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QuestionWho decide if my paper will be published?
Solution Short answer: The final publication decision, based on reviewers' recommendations, belongs to the Editorial Board.

Long answer: After your article is uploaded in the Openconf interface and it is marked as OK (paper format is good and the copyright form is signed by all authors and uploaded in the system) it is sent to two different and independent reviewers. Author names, affiliations and sponsors are removed from the paper (blind review). An originality report (plagiarism check) is generated for every paper and made available to the corresponding reviewers.

The reviewers evaluate the papers by using the on-line system and fill-in all the fields on the evaluation sheet, including the "Comments to Author" and "Comments to Editor" sections.

Each reviewer have to make a recommendation to the Editorial Board, by assigning a score (1 to 6). If the average score is 3 or bellow, the paper is rejected. Authors are required to modify the paper according to reviewers observation only if the average score is at least 4. If the two decisions are opposite (the difference between the two scores is at least 3), a third reviewer will re-evaluate the paper. If the paper average score is 4 or 5, the reviewers are required to re-evaluate the modified papers before a decision is made.

Keywords: paper, evaluation, publication, decision, score
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Article details
Article ID: 3
Category: Paper publication
Date added: 2011-07-26 18:47:36
Views: 2864
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.1/5.0 (58)

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