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QuestionHow long does it take for an article to get published?
Solution Short answer: A decision will be usually made in 3 to 6 months, but no more than 9 months.

Long answer: Depending on the reviewers availability and the number of papers they have to evaluate, the duration between the moment your submission in Openconf is in the correct format and the moment a decision is made may be, on average, from 3 to 6 months. If the number of papers we have to evaluate is unusually high (remember, the paper submission interface is always open), your paper may stay in "Pending" status an interval greater than 6 months (but in no case more than 9 months). The average waiting time was about 12 weeks in the last 5 years.

The publication date is influenced also by the acceptance rate. We had in the past rates of 32-37%, and also 16% or even less (the acceptance rate is calculated by taking into account the total number of accepted papers and the total number of the papers evaluated for the respective issue). Obviously, when the acceptance rate in very low, and your paper was accepted, it will be published sooner than in the case the acceptance rate is higher. We cannot influence in any way the quality of the papers we receive for evaluation.

An estimation of the issue where your paper will be included - if accepted, could be found in the Submission Status interface at:

If your submission contains errors (including incorrect template format, copyright form missing, etc.) the interval has to be counted from the moment your submission is marked OK for evaluation.

Please remember, the evaluation process of your paper will start only after all submission errors will be corrected (depending on your reaction speed for correcting the problems, this could add several weeks to the whole process).

Very important is the evaluation is a "best effort" process, and nothing can be guaranteed.

Keywords: evaluation, time, duration, how long, paper, decision, status, published, publish
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Article details
Article ID: 4
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2011-07-26 18:48:20
Views: 16238
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.2/5.0 (146)

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