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QuestionI saw my paper published in AECE also published in another journal, by other authors. What can I do?
Solution As an author, you signed the copyright transfer form with us and transferred the rights to evaluate, publish and distribute your work. If you see your work was plagiarized by other authors and an identical or a very similar paper was published in other journal or conference proceedings, we may assist you with the legal procedures following this abuse. Please open a support ticket indicating the name of the publication and the link to the on-line resource (if any). Also, if you have screen captures or scanned documents, please upload them with the ticket.

We will notify the publisher of the plagiarized paper and request the respective paper to be removed from the on-line publication (if any) and a note to be published in the printed/on-line edition (if any), explaining the situation. We will also try to contact the organization of the plagiarized paper authors and request for corrective measures to be taken. We will reserve the right to open other legal procedures in order to clarify the situation and restore the truth.

We do not make any deal with plagiarizing authors.
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Article details
Article ID: 43
Category: Plagiarized papers
Date added: 2011-08-06 21:48:01
Views: 1353
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.9/5.0 (30)

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