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QuestionDo all paper authors have to personally sign the copyright form?
Solution Yes, all authors must personally sign the copyright from. If the authors are in physical different locations and are unable to sign the same form, all of them must fill-in and sign a copyright form (writing the paper title and the Paper ID), and the corresponding author have to open a support ticket and upload all signed forms in the respective ticket (do not forget to write the Paper ID in the ticket).

The author making the submission should write on the copyright form uploaded in OpenConf the Tracking ID of the ticket where the other form(s) have been uploaded. For example, write by hand, before scanning the form, "Other copyright forms uploaded with the Tracking ID AECENNNNNN" - replace the number with the real ID assigned by the system.

Based on previous experience, we do not agree with the copyright form to be signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors.

Without the written confirmation of all papers authors, we will be unable to process the respective paper.

Important: You have to personally sign the copyright form by using a pen. We do not allow images of signatures to be electronically inserted in the document. If you upload a copyright form having images instead of original authors' signatures, your submission will be immediately rejected.
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Article details
Article ID: 55
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2011-08-19 13:51:21
Views: 4351
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (85)

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