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QuestionIs there possible to see my name as co-author of a paper without me to know about this?
Solution This is a very strange situation and should never happen. The publication process we put in place is able to prevent an author to use other persons names in their submissions without informing them:

1. The copyright form must be personally signed by all authors.
2. Professional E-mail addresses of all authors must be used in the submission interface (this prevent an inventive author to create an yahoo, gmail, etc. free E-mail address like [email protected] and use it in the interface).
3. We send confirmation E-mails to all authors listed in the submission interface in order for them to know about the paper they are listed in as co-authors.

Note: We created this question because we had some cases with authors (particularly master/PhD scholars) that sent papers and put their professors/supervisors/colleagues as co-authors, without informing them. In all such cases the submissions were rejected.
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Article details
Article ID: 57
Category: Paper publication
Date added: 2011-08-19 16:41:57
Views: 932
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.9/5.0 (22)

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