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QuestionMy E-mail address is blocked
Solution When using a false or a non-existing E-mail address, using one other persons' E-mail address, using your institutional administrative contact (dean@, hodece@, headcs@ or similar) as your main "personal and professional" contact, or trying to cheat in any way when making a submission, may have the respective address to be permanently blocked on our system. The verifications are done manually and carefully revised in order to avoid confusions or wrong decisions.

If you try to use again a blocked address, the IP address of the computer you are working will be automatically added to a ban list and you will not be able to use OpenConf on our site.

The blocked E-mails will never be deleted from the list.

The IP ban may be deleted only manually, by request - open a support ticket on the HelpDesk, explaining the situation.

Please remember this policy does not affect and does interfere in any way with legitimate users. They'll not even notice these restrictions.
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Article details
Article ID: 89
Category: Paper submission
Date added: 2014-10-12 14:55:01
Views: 869
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (27)

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