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QuestionIs my paper within the Journal scope?
Solution As per our publication policy, we accept for evaluation only papers satisfying the followings:

1. The paper subject fit the domains we made publicly available on the website, in the About section - AIMS AND SCOPE. Border topics papers have to be discussed before making a submission. See:
2. The paper contains original contributions, emphasized in the abstract and conclusion sections.
3. The paper objectives are clearly defined and followed.
4. The reported results are compared with the literature, and the differences are clearly presented.

We do not accept for evaluation:

1. Papers not fitting the declared domains of the Journal.
2. Pure survey papers, with no original contributions.
3. Papers with no state-of-the-art presentation.
4. Papers presenting fabrication or production technologies or methods.
5. Pure theoretical papers, presenting models or theories, not validated by experiments/measurements or by comparisons with already published results.

These papers will be rejected with the message "The paper is out of the Journal Scope". This decision is made in the initial pre-screening phase, by the Editorial Board.

It's possible to check if the paper is in the Scope of the Journal. Please read the indications:

Keywords: evaluation, journal, scope, rejected

Updated: 2015JAN23
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Article details
Article ID: 90
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2015-01-13 08:55:24
Views: 15578
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.9/5.0 (59)

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