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QuestionHow do I prepare an accepted paper for publication
Solution If your paper was accepted for publication, you need to upload in the OpenConf interface the final version, in the form it was accepted by the reviewers. You have to know it's your responsibility to check the latest version will look good when printed.

1. If you are not a native English speaker, we recommend that you have your manuscript polished by a native speaker. Professional editing will improve the grammar, spelling and punctuation of your paper.

2. Special characters are not allowed in the title and in the paper abstract. The abstract must have less than 200 words, and the title less than 150 characters.

3. Do not invent keywords - use only the ones provided here:

4. The references section is very important, as they link your results with already published papers. We recommend a minimum of 20-25 references to be cited. DOI numbers for references are mandatory, when available.

5. Check all the elements in these instructions, even you already did this when submitted the paper. We often mark the paper format as being good, in the reviewing phase, even if there are minor editing problems.

Lastly, but the most important phase, convert your paper in PDF format and print it on a black and white printer. All text, graphs, and equations must be visible, all details should be readable without effort. If they are not, you have to correct all issues. We have no tools to redraw graphs, edit your equations, etc.

Important: Even if your paper was marked as accepted from the scientific point of view, it will not be published unless it follows all requirements in terms of language, readability or general format.

Updated: 07JUL2016
Updated: 05APR2015
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Article details
Article ID: 93
Category: Paper publication
Date added: 2015-04-05 11:55:51
Views: 1043
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.2/5.0 (19)

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