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Instant Search: Just type some words and look for the results bellow

QuestionAccepted list of keywords
Solution When making the submission, exactly 5 keywords must be provided, the same you used in the paper file, separated by commas - do not insert any space or any other character between the keywords, at the beginning or after the keyword (for multiple word keywords write them as usual, with a single space between the individual words). Use only the keywords from this list we provide on the website. Other keywords are not accepted and the submission could not be made in case you did not follow the indications.

Good example:

automotive engineering,remotely operated vehicles,wireless sensor networks,human-robot interaction,tuning

Bad example:

automotive engineering , remotely operated vehicles; wireless sensor networks, human-robot interaction ,tuning

Important: For submissions already made, we require the authors to edit the submission and check the entered keywords, and also put the same keywords in the .DOC file uploaded in the interface. For submissions under evaluation, this need to be done when uploading the final paper version, in the case of accepted submissions.
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Article details
Article ID: 96
Category: Paper submission
Date added: 2016-06-19 17:23:27
Views: 4908
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.6/5.0 (54)

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