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QuestionHow will my submission be evaluated?
Solution As an author, you are kindly asked to check, on a point-by-point basis, if:

1. The paper is well organized;
2. The paper is readable;
3. English grammar and spelling are proper;
4. Mathematical symbols and equations are easy to understand;
5. Figures and tables are well constructed and informative;
6. You describe relevance of work to the research field;
7. You apply sound technical approaches;
8. New ideas are convincingly and logically described;
9. Results are convincing;
10. You cite other relevant publications.

When evaluating a submission, a reviewer have access to the originality report(s) and the full paper, without the authors' information (all names, affiliations and sponsor(s) information are deleted from the file).

For each paper, a reviewer should provide scores for the followings:

A. Theoretical/Practical
B. Value Added to the Research Field
C. Quality of the References
D. Spelling and Grammar Quality
E. Novelty of the Paper Topic
F. Difference from Prior Works

Based on the scores on the 6 criteria, a paper score is automatically calculated.

Also, two text fields are to be completed:

Comments to Author - visible to the author

Comments to Editor - visible only to the Editorial Board team

Based on all information above, a decision is made by the Editorial Board.
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Article details
Article ID: 97
Category: Paper evaluation
Date added: 2016-08-01 12:59:50
Views: 3430
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (35)

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