591 results found.
Year: 2017, Volume: 17, Number: 3
... operation and a widely technique is capable of selecting the most optimum varying range of loads [10-11]. Therefore, it requires other parameters in order to increase ... in parameters of the SVM are obtained, then it is used for the a full-load condition with 0.8 lagging power factor. The retraining of the SVM model. ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 8 - 1,291k
Year: 2014, Volume: 14, Number: 4
... (m). It is ns, and are terminated by a parallel RC load with R=1 k— worth mentioning that (5) is deterministic, ... linear lumped coefficients of the original stochastic currents. This elements (e.g., loads and/or parasitics) and distributed procedure is illustrated in Fig. 1b ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 8 - 1,084k
Year: 2012, Volume: 12, Number: 1
... emulated by means 7. The front end modulates the information and transmits of a load. This is required if we want to verify the maximum it back to ... be added. As shown in the simulations -by sensortec.com/content/language1/downloads/BST-BMA222-DS002- applying the Friis formula- the achieved range would be 02.pdf ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 8 - 851k
Year: 2021, Volume: 21, Number: 3
... voltage connection. In our paper, starting from a model with four variation and load steps. The results and theoretical notions modules, the generic form and formulas ... DC-DC converters MVDC railway electrification system, including a short with active input voltage and load-current sharing," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 42 ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 7 - 2,068k
Year: 2018, Volume: 18, Number: 4
... SEC and these errors are bulk Capacitance is represented by ’, while the output load corrected by using Hybrid ARQ (HARQ) retransmission Capacitance is represented by CT ... not perform well due to data in the same period and position, Triple Modular overloading. As a result, these approaches were effective Redundancy (TMR) design ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 6 - 1,563k
Year: 2010, Volume: 10, Issue: 4
... open-loop stimulation of the quadriceps subsequent stimulation pattern is calculated to substitute the alone. load by the lower limb while assuming a quasi-static Sitting down is far more difficult ... Engineering Volume 10, Number 4, 2010 threshold and maximal contractions; these were loaded as sitting down in paraplegia are implemented within an parameters into the control program ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 6 - 1,161k
Year: 2011, Volume: 11, Number: 3
... the population and their current activities performed geometrical details. (such as loading or unloading a ship, and so on). It is generally accepted that an ... to as the population and their current activities performed geometrical details. (such as loading or unloading a ship, and so on). It is generally accepted ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 6 - 1,299k
Year: 2010, Volume: 10, Issue: 1
... electric potential that follows the Laplace has been heated using a test bench at a load current of 5 A. equation: The forward drop voltage for the MOSFETs ... equation: RthHA, with the relation, di RthHA= THSS/ (VDS Iload) (8) e(t)= L+ Ri+ U ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 6 - 484k
Year: 2024, Volume: 24, Number: 1
... log 2( N )t carry_ lookahead € t sum (4) load and wiring complexity by using fewer prefix operators. where tcg represents the delay ... reduced Kogge-Stone Adder (KSA), striking a balance between complexity and lower output loading. Notable PPA variants computational area, power, and delay. Understanding its ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 6 - 1,681k
Year: 2012, Volume: 12, Number: 3
... Denmark, 2001. Available at: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= p=rep1&type=pdf [ ... the availability of the specialists as they could relief the specialists of some of the workload are essentials in order to assure an efficient therapy for the speech impaired. ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 5 - 836k