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QuestionYour web-pages are loading too slow. What can I do to speed them?
Solution We may assure our visitors the pages of AECE Journal are optimized in order to provide the best user experience ever possible. The total loading time of any page served from "" domain is not larger than 3 seconds (with a 2 seconds mean value). We use a DNS IP Anycast name server provider and a professional file distribution hosting. All static content of our web-site is delivered to you from Amazon Cloudfront Network.

We regularly check the loading time of our pages from different locations all over the world (including all continents, and all major ISP networks).

If you experience trouble viewing our pages, please open a support ticket explaining in detail the exact problem your encountered. If you have a screen capture with details, please upload it with the ticket. We will be happy to assist you.
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Article details
Article ID: 39
Category: Web-site
Date added: 2011-08-06 20:58:00
Views: 1573
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (33)

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