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QuestionIs your web-site secure enough in order for me to pay by using my credit card?
Solution We were enrolled in the credit card payment system by using the services provided by a Bank. Before accepting us in this system, our web-site and the persons involved in the software development passed several security check procedures.

You have to know all information regarding your credit card will be sent only to the VISA/Mastercard approved processing company Romcard ( We do not request, process or store any credit card information on our servers.

We secured the communication between your browser and our server by using 256-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption on all pages involving personal data exchanges (OpenConf interface, ePayment interface, etc.).
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Article details
Article ID: 44
Category: Processing fees and payment process
Date added: 2011-08-14 22:37:30
Views: 1316
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (23)

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