Authors are requested to pay 300 EUR per published article. For papers over 8 pages (10, 12 pages and more), an extra charge of 25 EUR per article page has to be paid.
Notice: The paper processing ... |
We accept payments with almost all debit or credit cards issued under Visa, Mastercard or American Express. Visa Corporate and Visa Business cards could not be used.
In order to access the paymen... |
Open access publishing is not without costs. The publishing costs to AECE - Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ISSN 1582-7445) are per article based and cover only technical costs. Payme... |
Payment of publication charges helps to keep free on-line subscription to AECE journal and immediate world-wide barrier-free open access to the full text, maximizing the exposure of author research re... |
We had in the past years a publication fee based on the number of pages. But, the size of an article is a poor indicator of the actual amount of work involved in obtaining peer reviews and in preparin... |
The most frequent cause of this error is the card you used is not enabled for Internet payments. First of all please be sure you have enough money in your account. Contact your Bank explaining the sit... |
You are informed about the transaction (Accept/Reject) just after all information about your credit card are processed by our partner (www.romcard.ro) and you are returned on our web-site. You are adv... |
We issue invoices for all payments, by request. You have to open a new ticket and tell us the details of the payer that have to appear on the invoice. If you will be reimbursed by you institution, you... |
We were enrolled in the credit card payment system by using the services provided by a Bank. Before accepting us in this system, our web-site and the persons involved in the software development passe... |
We accept only credit card payments (bank transfer, wire transfer or any other methods are not supported). If your institution provide you a credit card, you may use it. Otherwise, you have to pay the... |
Short answer: No, you are not eligible for a refund.
Long answer: As the processing charges cover mainly the technical costs for processing your paper, and by signing the copyright form you assumed... |
As we explained in a previous question, only credit card payment is supported. |
If you received the "Approved" message in the returning screen from the card processing page, your payment was approved by the Bank.
Your money is blocked in our favor but they will be tr... |
Whoever submits the manuscript is responsible for making the payment. |
We publish only Open Access papers, so it's up the the author(s) to find out financing sources in order to cover the costs of his/her research results publication. Most of the research grants cover al... |