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QuestionHow can I apply a certain style to a text paragraph in Microsoft Word?
Solution 1. Select the text

To apply a paragraph style to one paragraph, put your cursor in the paragraph. To apply a paragraph style to more than one paragraph, select the text you want to format. To apply a character style, select the text to format.

2. Apply the style

Do any one of the following to apply a style to your selected text:

- In Word 2003 or any earlier version of Word, on the Formatting Toolbar, click on the Style box. Choose a style from the drop down list - See the picture bellow (click to enlarge)

- In Word 2007 or Word 2010, click on the name of a style in the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab - See the picture bellow (click to enlarge):

Important info for Word 2007 and 2010 users:

In these versions - and probably in the next to come, Microsoft messed-up the style information box and it's not obvious to find the way to display the styles for each paragraph. In order to quickly view the styles used in your document you have to:

Step 1: Change your Word settings to display the Style area

- Word 2007: Click the Office button (top left corner), then Word Options.
- Word 2010: Select the File tab, then Options.
  Click Advanced.
  Go to the Display section.   Check your Show measurement in units at value (e.g. Centimeters, Inches).
  In the Style area pane width� field, enter 2.5 if your measurement units are Centimeters or 1 if your units are inches. This width is usually enough, but after you've tried it out, you can always change the width to make it smaller or larger.
  Click OK.

Step 2: Change your view of the document

Change the view from Print Layout to Draft by clicking the icon in the bottom right of the window.

When you set the style area width and change your view to Normal (Word 2003) or Draft (Word 2007, 2010), your document will have an area on the left that shows the paragraph styles used for each paragraph.

Updated: 25MAY2014
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Article details
Article ID: 78
Category: Paper format
Date added: 2012-03-12 16:36:54
Views: 17296
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (141)

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