All authors are requested to submit their papers in camera-ready form.
All authors have to follow the template on the web-site. If your paper was marked as "Incorrect Format", you have to check all... |
There are several simple rules you should follow in order for your paper to be considered for publication:
1. A very good paper has very good references. You are encouraged to cite papers indexed i... |
1. Select the text
To apply a paragraph style to one paragraph, put your cursor in the paragraph. To apply a paragraph style to more than one paragraph, select the text you want to format. To apply... |
After you upload a new paper version in the interface, we are automatically notified about this. We will check the new paper version, usually within 7 to 10 business days - this is a "best-effort... |
All authors are requested to submit their papers in camera-ready form.
Yes, all authors are requested to use only the template available for downloading in the "For Authors" section on the web-site... |
We encourage you to use MathType. MathType is the recommended method for creating equations, valid for all Office versions, available for both Windows and MacOS, being a well-know cross-platform solut... |
Some authors asked us why it is mandatory to use our template in the evaluation phase. The answer to this question is relatively simple, and has four parts:
1. To format the paper content by using ... |
First of all please check the instructions in the template file. You have to use only the styles defined there. Second, if your paper was checked and marked to be in incorrect format you have to check... |
All paper checks are done manually, by humans. Even a human may be wrong, we assure you the checks are done carefully and a wrong decision is very improbable. You have to double-check the styles, colu... |
The answer is definitely NO. You must use the template provided by AECE without exceptions. As a rule, we do not process a paper if it is not edited using our template. This is to demonstrate you prep... |
The limit for the document file length is stated in the Upload interface (it depends on various factors). At this very moment, the limit is set to 9 MBytes. If your file has more than the limit, all y... |
For the moment, only .doc file format is accepted for papers submitted to AECE. We do not offer LaTeX, .docx, .pdf or any other format support.
If you prepared your paper in a different format, and... |
Even the templates we provide are .DOC and .DOT, you may still use Word 2007 and above to write your paper. It is always good to save your paper in .DOC format with the "Save As" function:
In order... |