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Upload File

Submission ID: ( forgot ID? )
Password: ( forgot password? )
File:     Format: Microsoft Word only

We expect a .doc file, generated by Microsoft Word. Any other document editing programs will generate errors.
Your paper must be in camera-ready form, have an even number of pages, and be 8, 10 or 12 pages long.
Please be sure you checked your paper and it is edited by using our template.

We prepared some information in order to avoid your paper to be marked in wrong format. Please check the answers to two questions frequently asked by the authors:

If you have troubles in applying the correct styles, you may find some indications here:

It is always good to visit the HelpDesk KnowledgeBase, as there are many questions already answered.

If you uploaded a paper file less than 48 hours ago, you will be able to upload a new version after a 48 hours interval from the latest upload.

File limit is 20.5MB. You will not be able to upload a larger file. If your file is larger, try to reduce the image dimensions and/or their resolution.


You will not be able to upload a new paper version if we prepared your submission for evaluation or the submission is under evaluation. Please see the Submission status interface if not sure.

Verification code: verification image, type it in the box 


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