Short answer: A decision will be usually made in 3 to 6 months, but no more than 9 months.
Long answer: Depending on the reviewers availability and the number of papers they have to evaluate, the d... |
As per our publication policy, we accept for evaluation only papers satisfying the followings:
1. The paper subject fit the domains we made publicly available on the website, in the About section -... |
In order to submit a paper to Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering you have to follow three steps:
STEP 1. You have to "Make a submission" using the following: https://www.aece... |
We use an OpenConf customized interface, a very familiar submission system, used by hundreds of journal and conferences all over the world.
There are a few simple steps to follow to make a submissi... |
Yes, all authors must personally sign the copyright from. If the authors are in physical different locations and are unable to sign the same form, all of them must fill-in and sign a copyright form (w... |
Our web-site visitors may see at the end of every published paper the complete list of references used by the authors for elaborating the respective paper, together with the number of citations in Web... |
You're not allowed to have the same article under consideration at more than one place. Submitting your paper for consideration to our journal and, in parallel, to other journal(s) or conference(s) is... |
If you presented a paper to a conference and the paper was published by the respective conference organizers (in the proceedings book or in a partner journal), you need the agreement of the copyright ... |
We publish the journal on a regular basis. As of today, we have 4 (four) issues every year:
Issue 1 - February 28
Issue 2 - May 31
Issue 3 - August 31
Issue 4 - November 30
These are the date... |
Due to the fact the publication of a journal implies files, text, pictures, etc. phone support is not very effective. Written communication is the only way we may support our authors and we recommend ... |
I've identified some technical problems, measurement results inaccuracies, wrong investigation methods, etc. and I would like to submit critical notes or response to a paper.
The answer has two par... |
We receive a high number of messages with the following request:
"We organize a conference and are interested to have a special issue of your journal covering the peer-reviewed, selected, high... |