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Stefan cel Mare
University of Suceava
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
13, Universitatii Street
Suceava - 720229

Print ISSN: 1582-7445
Online ISSN: 1844-7600
WorldCat: 643243560
doi: 10.4316/AECE


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Clarivate Analytics published the InCites Journal Citations Report for 2023. The InCites JCR Impact Factor of Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering is 0.700 (0.700 without Journal self-cites), and the InCites JCR 5-Year Impact Factor is 0.600.

Clarivate Analytics published the InCites Journal Citations Report for 2022. The InCites JCR Impact Factor of Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering is 0.800 (0.700 without Journal self-cites), and the InCites JCR 5-Year Impact Factor is 1.000.

SCOPUS published the CiteScore for 2022, computed by using an improved methodology, counting the citations received in 2019-2022 and dividing the sum by the number of papers published in the same time frame. The CiteScore of Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering for 2022 is 2.0. For "General Computer Science" we rank #134/233 and for "Electrical and Electronic Engineering" we rank #478/738.

Clarivate Analytics published the InCites Journal Citations Report for 2021. The InCites JCR Impact Factor of Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering is 0.825 (0.722 without Journal self-cites), and the InCites JCR 5-Year Impact Factor is 0.752.

SCOPUS published the CiteScore for 2021, computed by using an improved methodology, counting the citations received in 2018-2021 and dividing the sum by the number of papers published in the same time frame. The CiteScore of Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering for 2021 is 2.5, the same as for 2020 but better than all our previous results.

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A Novel Analytical Model for Network-on-Chip using Semi-Markov Process

WANG, J. See more information about WANG, J. on SCOPUS See more information about WANG, J. on IEEExplore See more information about WANG, J. on Web of Science, LI, Y. See more information about  LI, Y. on SCOPUS See more information about  LI, Y. on SCOPUS See more information about LI, Y. on Web of Science, PENG, Q. See more information about PENG, Q. on SCOPUS See more information about PENG, Q. on SCOPUS See more information about PENG, Q. on Web of Science
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Author keywords
multiprocessor interconnection, network-on-chip, semi-markov process, modeling, computer aided analysis

References keywords
chip(13), design(11), systems(9), networks(8), network(8), architecture(6), analytical(5), analysis(5), test(4), automation(4)
Blue keywords are present in both the references section and the paper title.

About this article
Date of Publication: 2011-02-27
Volume 11, Issue 1, Year 2011, On page(s): 111 - 118
ISSN: 1582-7445, e-ISSN: 1844-7600
Digital Object Identifier: 10.4316/AECE.2011.01018
Web of Science Accession Number: 000288761800018
SCOPUS ID: 79955967326

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Network-on-Chip (NoC) communication architecture is proposed to resolve the bottleneck of Multi-processor communication in a single chip. In this paper, a performance analytical model using Semi-Markov Process (SMP) is presented to obtain the NoC performance. More precisely, given the related parameters, SMP is used to describe the behavior of each channel and the header flit routing time on each channel can be calculated by analyzing the SMP. Then, the average packet latency in NoC can be calculated. The accuracy of our model is illustrated through simulation. Indeed, the experimental results show that the proposed model can be used to obtain NoC performance and it performs better than the state-of-art models. Therefore, our model can be used as a useful tool to guide the NoC design process.

References | Cited By  «-- Click to see who has cited this paper

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Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

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