For papers published after January 01, 2010
2023 ------------------------------------
Design and Analysis of Interior Buried Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicle Applications NANDHA KUMAR, A., DHEEPANCHAKKRAVARTHY, A. Issue 4/2023 | Downloads: 1,596 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2023.04001 |
A Proposed Signal Reconstruction Algorithm over Bandlimited Channels for Wireless Communications ASHOUR, A., KHALAF, A., HUSSEIN, A., HAMED, H., RAMADAN, A. Issue 1/2023 | Downloads: 1,300 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2023.01003 |
Epilepsy Seizure Prediction from EEG Signal Using Machine Learning Techniques SIDAOUI, B., SADOUNI, K. Issue 2/2023 | Downloads: 1,292 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2023.02006 |
Quality of Experience Assessment for HTTP Based Adaptive Video Streaming ARSENOVIC, M., RIMAC-DRLJE, S. Issue 1/2023 | Downloads: 1,264 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2023.01004 |
Exploring the Impact of Data Augmentation Techniques on Automatic Speech Recognition System Development: A Comparative Study GALIC, J., GROZDIC, D. Issue 3/2023 | Downloads: 1,196 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2023.03001 |
2022 ------------------------------------
A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks EMEC, M., OZCANHAN, M. H. Issue 1/2022 | Downloads: 2,167 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2022.01001 |
Image Forgery Detection Using Noise and Edge Weighted Local Texture Features ASGHAR, K., SADDIQUE, M., HUSSAIN, M., BEBIS, G., HABIB, Z. Issue 1/2022 | Downloads: 1,431 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2022.01007 |
A Comparative Analysis of Two Approaches for Estimation of Upper Limb Orientation Using Inertial and Kinect Sensors ACHARYA, A., BHAT, S., KANTHI, M. Issue 4/2022 | Downloads: 1,313 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2022.04010 |
Analysis of the Hybrid PSO-InC MPPT for Different Partial Shading Conditions LEOPOLDINO, A. L. M., FREITAS, C. M., MONTEIRO, L. F. C. Issue 2/2022 | Downloads: 1,239 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2022.02004 |
Performance of Interpolated Histogram of Oriented Gradients on the Feature Calculation of SIFT OZTURK, A., CAYIROGLU, I. Issue 3/2022 | Downloads: 1,208 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2022.03010 |
2021 ------------------------------------
A Wind Energy Prediction Scheme Combining Cauchy Variation and Reverse Learning Strategy WU, X., SHEN, X., ZHANG, J., ZHANG, Y. Issue 4/2021 | Downloads: 1,962 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2021.04001 |
An Efficient and High-Speed Disturbance Detection Algorithm Design with Emphasis on Operation of Static Transfer Switch USMAN, A., CHOUDHRY, M. A. Issue 2/2021 | Downloads: 1,946 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2021.02010 |
Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy disease with Transfer Learning using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks SOMASUNDARAM, K., SIVAKUMAR, P., SURESH, D. Issue 3/2021 | Downloads: 1,751 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2021.03006 |
Thermal-Electrochemical Modeling and Analysis of Different Cathode-Anode pairs for Lithium-ion Battery SHARMA, S., PANWAR, A. K., TRIPATHI, M. M. Issue 3/2021 | Downloads: 1,719 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2021.03007 |
Machine Learning Enhanced Entropy-Based Network Anomaly Detection TIMCENKO, V., GAJIN, S. Issue 4/2021 | Downloads: 1,580 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2021.04006 |
2020 ------------------------------------
Deep Learning Based Prediction Model for the Next Purchase UTKU, A., AKCAYOL, M. A. Issue 2/2020 | Downloads: 2,160 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2020.02005 |
Multi-objective Environmental-economic Load Dispatch Considering Generator Constraints and Wind Power Using Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization YALCINOZ, T., RUDION, K. Issue 4/2020 | Downloads: 2,113 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2020.04001 |
A Novel High Voltage Dielectric Test System Based on Resonant Circuits Using the Magnetically Controllable Inductance ZHANG, Y., DAI, D., ZHANG, J., CHEN, X. Issue 1/2020 | Downloads: 1,809 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2020.01001 |
Convolutional Neural Network Based Prediction of Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease: A Technique using Hippocampus Extracted from MRI MUKHTAR, G., FARHAN, S. Issue 2/2020 | Downloads: 1,463 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2020.02013 |
The Determination of Absorption and Reduced Scattering Coefficients of Optical Phantoms Using a Frequency-Domain Multi-Distance Method in a Non-contact Manner BAL, U., UTZINGER, U., BAL, A., MORAL, O. T. Issue 2/2020 | Downloads: 1,452 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2020.02001 |
2019 ------------------------------------
Design Options for Current Limit and Power Limit Circuit Protections for LDOs PLESA, C.-S., DIMITRIU, B., NEAG, M. Issue 1/2019 | Downloads: 3,882 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2019.01008 |
Automatic Detection and Bypassing of Anti-Debugging Techniques for Microsoft Windows Environments PARK, J., JANG, Y.-H., HONG, S., PARK, Y. Issue 2/2019 | Downloads: 3,077 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2019.02003 |
Peak Points Detection Using Spline Interpolation Based on FPGA Implementation COLAK, A. M., MANABE, T., KAMASAKA, R., SHIBATA, Y., KUROKAWA, F. Issue 4/2019 | Downloads: 2,247 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2019.04001 |
Modeling of Back-Propagation Neural Network Based State-of-Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Consideration of Capacity Attenuation ZHANG, S., GUO, X., ZHANG, X. Issue 3/2019 | Downloads: 2,200 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2019.03001 |
Spatial Video Forgery Detection and Localization using Texture Analysis of Consecutive Frames SADDIQUE, M., ASGHAR, K., BAJWA, U. I., HUSSAIN, M., HABIB, Z. Issue 3/2019 | Downloads: 1,868 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2019.03012 |
2018 ------------------------------------
An Efficient Deep Learning Algorithm for Fire and Smoke Detection with Limited Data NAMOZOV, A., CHO, Y. I. Issue 4/2018 | Downloads: 4,023 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2018.04015 |
A New Method for MPPT Algorithm Implementation and Testing, Suitable for Photovoltaic Cells SFIRAT, A., GONTEAN, A., BULARKA, S. Issue 3/2018 | Downloads: 2,665 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2018.03008 |
Improved Wind Speed Prediction Using Empirical Mode Decomposition ZHANG, Y., ZHANG, C., SUN, J., GUO, J. Issue 2/2018 | Downloads: 2,006 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2018.02001 |
Maximum Entropy Principle in Image Restoration PETROVICI, M.-A., DAMIAN, C., COLTUC, D. Issue 2/2018 | Downloads: 1,969 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2018.02010 |
Design of an High Frequency RFID Multi-Loop Antenna for Applications in Metallic Environments PETRARIU, A. I., LAVRIC, A., COCA, E. Issue 2/2018 | Downloads: 1,949 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2018.02005 |
2017 ------------------------------------
A New Method for Maintaining Constant Dither Amplitude in Low Frequency PWM KANG, H., PARK, J., CHO, J., KIM, J., OH, J. Issue 1/2017 | Downloads: 4,696 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2017.01013 |
Centroid Update Approach to K-Means Clustering BORLEA, I.-D., PRECUP, R.-E., DRAGAN, F., BORLEA, A.-B. Issue 4/2017 | Downloads: 2,777 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2017.04001 |
Design Options for Thermal Shutdown Circuitry with Hysteresis Width Independent on the Activation Temperature PLESA, C.-S., NEAG, M., RADOIAS, L. Issue 1/2017 | Downloads: 2,531 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2017.01010 |
Decoupled Speed and Torque Control of IPMSM Drives Using a Novel Load Torque Estimator ZAKY, M., ELATTAR, E., METWALY, M. Issue 3/2017 | Downloads: 2,492 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2017.03003 |
Wind Power Prediction Based on LS-SVM Model with Error Correction ZHANG, Y., WANG, P., NI, T., CHENG, P., LEI, S. Issue 1/2017 | Downloads: 2,174 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2017.01001 |
2016 ------------------------------------
A New Transformerless Single-Phase Buck-Boost AC Voltage Regulator YALCIN, F., HIMMELSTOSS, F. A. Issue 2/2016 | Downloads: 2,895 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2016.02009 |
Variation of Tower Footing Resistance on the Lightning Surge Propagation through Overhead Power Distribution Lines MARIUT, E. L., HELEREA, E. Issue 1/2016 | Downloads: 2,186 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2016.01014 |
An Efficient Tile-Pyramids Building Method for Fast Visualization of Massive Geospatial Raster Datasets GUO, N., XIONG, W., WU, Q., JING, N. Issue 4/2016 | Downloads: 2,099 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2016.04001 |
Digital Resonant Controller based on Modified Tustin Discretization Method STOJIC, D. Issue 4/2016 | Downloads: 2,077 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2016.04013 |
Modular Hybrid Energy Concept Employing a Novel Control Structure Based on a Simple Analog System PETREUS, D., DARABAN, S., CIRSTEA, M. Issue 2/2016 | Downloads: 1,895 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2016.02001 |
2015 ------------------------------------
Modification of The Field-Weakening Control Strategy for Linear Induction Motor Drives Considering The End Effect HAMEDANI, P., SHOULAIE, A. Issue 3/2015 | Downloads: 2,198 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2015.03001 |
Modified Current Differencing Unit and its Application for Electronically Reconfigurable Simple First-order Transfer Function SOTNER, R., JERABEK, J., HERENCSAR, N., ZAK, T., JAIKLA, W., VRBA, K. Issue 1/2015 | Downloads: 2,084 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2015.01001 |
New Boost-Type PFC MF-Vienna PWM Rectifiers with Multiplied Switching Frequency FLORICAU, D., TUDORACHE, T., KREINDLER, L. Issue 4/2015 | Downloads: 1,965 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2015.04011 |
The Effect of Images on Surface Potential and Resistance Calculation of Grounding Systems MARTINS, A., MARIANO, S., CALADO, M. Issue 2/2015 | Downloads: 1,937 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2015.02002 |
An Analysis of a Hard Real-Time Execution Environment Extension for FreeRTOS STANGACIU, C., MICEA, M., CRETU, V. Issue 3/2015 | Downloads: 1,729 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2015.03011 |
2014 ------------------------------------
WAPTT - Web Application Penetration Testing Tool DURIC, Z. Issue 1/2014 | Downloads: 2,820 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2014.01015 |
Hamming Weight Counters and Comparators based on Embedded DSP Blocks for Implementation in FPGA SKLYAROV, V., SKLIAROVA, I. Issue 2/2014 | Downloads: 2,628 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2014.02011 |
Design of Linear Systolic Arrays for Matrix Multiplication MILOVANOVIC, E. I., STOJCEV, M. K., MILOVANOVIC, I. Z., NIKOLIC, T. R. Issue 1/2014 | Downloads: 2,146 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2014.01006 |
A New Contactless Fault Diagnosis Approach for Pantograph-Catenary System Using Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Methods AYDIN, I., KARAKOSE, M., AKIN, E. Issue 3/2014 | Downloads: 1,751 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2014.03010 |
Stochastic Simulation of Integrated Circuits with Nonlinear Black-Box Components via Augmented Deterministic Equivalents MANFREDI, P., STIEVANO, I. S., CANAVERO, F. G. Issue 4/2014 | Downloads: 1,730 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2014.04001 |
2013 ------------------------------------
A Comparison of X-Ray Image Segmentation Techniques STOLOJESCU-CRISAN, C., HOLBAN, S. Issue 3/2013 | Downloads: 3,476 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2013.03014 |
STFTP: Secure TFTP Protocol for Embedded Multi-Agent Systems Communication HORVAT, G., ZAGAR, D., MARTINOVIC, G. Issue 2/2013 | Downloads: 2,523 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2013.02004 |
Karatsuba-Ofman Multiplier with Integrated Modular Reduction for GF(2m) CUEVAS-FARFAN, E., MORALES-SANDOVAL, M., MORALES-REYES, A., FEREGRINO-URIBE, C., ALGREDO-BADILLO, I., KITSOS, P., CUMPLIDO, R. Issue 2/2013 | Downloads: 2,413 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2013.02001 |
Automatic and Parallel Optimized Learning for Neural Networks performing MIMO Applications FULGINEI, F. R., LAUDANI, A., SALVINI, A., PARODI, M. Issue 1/2013 | Downloads: 2,159 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2013.01001 |
Design of Novel Precise Quadrature Oscillators Employing ECCIIs with Electronic Control SOTNER, R., LAHIRI, A., KARTCI, A., HERENCSAR, N., JERABEK, J., VRBA, K. Issue 2/2013 | Downloads: 2,125 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2013.02011 |
2012 ------------------------------------
Speed and Current Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Using IMC Controllers BRANDSTETTER, P., KRECEK, T. Issue 4/2012 | Downloads: 4,414 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2012.04001 |
Phase Angle Control of Three Level Inverter Based D-STATCOM Using Neuro-Fuzzy Controller COTELI, R., DENIZ, E., DANDIL, B., TUNCER, S., ATA, F. Issue 1/2012 | Downloads: 2,864 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2012.01013 |
Cluster-based Data Gathering in Long-Strip Wireless Sensor Networks FANG, W., LI, S., LIANG, X., LI, Z. Issue 1/2012 | Downloads: 2,245 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2012.01001 |
An Algorithm for Induction Motor Stator Flux Estimation STOJIC, D. M. Issue 3/2012 | Downloads: 2,153 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2012.03007 |
Improved Mathematical Model of PMSM Taking Into Account Cogging Torque Oscillations TUDORACHE, T., TRIFU, I., GHITA, C., BOSTAN, V. Issue 3/2012 | Downloads: 2,071 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2012.03009 |
2011 ------------------------------------
Optimal Design Solutions for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines TUDORACHE, T., POPESCU, M. Issue 4/2011 | Downloads: 3,914 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2011.04012 |
Queueing Theory-based Path Delay Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks QIU, T., XIA, F., FENG, L., WU, G., JIN, B. Issue 2/2011 | Downloads: 3,685 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2011.02001 |
Optimal Fuzzy Controller Tuned by TV-PSO for Induction Motor Speed Control KULIC, F., MATIC, D., DUMNIC, B., VASIC, V. Issue 1/2011 | Downloads: 3,189 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2011.01008 |
Speed Regulated Continuous DTC Induction Motor Drive in Field Weakening MATIC, P., VUKOSAVIC, S. N. Issue 1/2011 | Downloads: 3,142 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2011.01016 |
Performances of Gopinath Flux Observer Used in Direct Field Oriented Control of Induction Machines CRACIUNAS, G. Issue 1/2011 | Downloads: 3,067 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2011.01012 |
2010 ------------------------------------
Power-Electronics Issues of Modern Electric Railway Systems STEIMEL, A. Issue 2/2010 | Downloads: 6,097 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2010.02001 |
Dynamic Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with Power Electronics ONER, Y., BEKIROGLU, N., OZCIRA, S. Issue 2/2010 | Downloads: 4,552 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2010.02002 |
Variable Structure Control of DFIG for Wind Power Generation and Harmonic Current Mitigation KAIRUS, D., WAMKEUE, R., BELMADANI, B., BENGHANEM, M. Issue 4/2010 | Downloads: 3,333 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2010.04027 |
Development of IR-Based Short-Range Communication Techniques for Swarm Robot Applications ARVIN, F., SAMSUDIN, K., RAMLI, A. R. Issue 4/2010 | Downloads: 3,322 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2010.04010 |
Modeling and Simulation of a 12 MW Wind Farm MIHET-POPA, L., GROZA, V. Issue 2/2010 | Downloads: 3,024 | AbstractPlus | Quick view doi:10.4316/AECE.2010.02025 |
system - power - control - fault - network - load - model - frequency - converter - transformer - harmonic - computer - algorithm - cancer - simulation - computer - estimate - optimal control - expert system - electromagnetic - interference - data transmission - neural network - electrocardiogram signal - model - cluster - design - wavelet - antenna - wireless sensor - coupling - robust - noise - signal processing - system identification - translation - nonlinear systems - induction motor - speed controller - shape optimization - fuzzy network - wireless sensor network