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A Low Cost System for Testing and Monitoring the Performance of Photovoltaic ModulePOP-CALIMANU, I.-M. , ANNA, T. , POPESCU, V. , MUNTEAN, G. |
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Author keywords
maximum power point tracking, performance of photovoltaic module, simulation, system for testing and monitoring, two diode model
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photovoltaic(15), energy(15), solar(14), systems(10), power(8), renewable(6), system(5), link(5), electronics(5), simulation(4)
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About this article
Date of Publication: 2013-11-30
Volume 13, Issue 4, Year 2013, On page(s): 93 - 98
ISSN: 1582-7445, e-ISSN: 1844-7600
Digital Object Identifier: 10.4316/AECE.2013.04016
Web of Science Accession Number: 000331461300016
SCOPUS ID: 84890219556
The purpose of this paper is to develop a low cost system for testing and monitoring the performance of PV modules in outdoor conditions. In order to do this, we improved and adapted another measuring system. This system was developed by us and enables us to ensure the performance of the PV module through testing and monitoring, as well as saving collected data to a database. This database can be accessed through a graphical interface on a laptop connected to the system using serial interface. The error sources of this system are reduced to minimum because of human operators interfering with the system only through the graphical user interface. The Two Diode Model with series and parallel resistances was used to estimate the parameters of the electrical equivalent circuit for the PV module. This model will be simulated in CASPOC 2009. The performances of PV module were obtained in outdoor conditions and were saved to the database. They will be compared with the performances obtained through simulation, to prove the efficiency of the model. |
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