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Author keywords
electric power grid, model, geomagnetic storm, geomagnetically induced current, GIC
References keywords
power(16), vakhnina(8), space(7), model(7), link(7), geomagnetic(7), weather(6), systems(6), state(6), registration(6)
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About this article
Date of Publication: 2015-02-28
Volume 15, Issue 1, Year 2015, On page(s): 49 - 54
ISSN: 1582-7445, e-ISSN: 1844-7600
Digital Object Identifier: 10.4316/AECE.2015.01007
Web of Science Accession Number: 000352158600007
SCOPUS ID: 84924764256
A model and an algorithm for the calculation of the functioning of an electric power grid of arbitrary configuration and complexity during geomagnetic storms were developed. The calculations were performed in the MATLAB mathematical package and the Simulink environment. The binding of objects to geographical coordinates is realized in the model, which enables to determine the matrix of potentials of geoelectric fields in nodal points. In order to define the instantaneous magnetizing currents, the power transformers are designed on the basis of the T-shaped equivalent circuit with a nonlinear mutual inductance of magnetization branch. Calculation of RMS values of active, reactive and total power values in all the elements is done with regard to the impact of harmonic components of the current and voltage. The results of modeling of the impact of geomagnetic storms of various intensity with the west-east direction of the geoelectric field vector for Samara region electric power grid are given. |
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Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
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